
Phoenix Park Academy Year 11 Leavers Assembly

MindSpace Flyer


Please click on the link below for a leaflet from SENDIASS. SENDIASS Leaflet

Welcome Back!

A very warm welcome back to our learners – we hope you had a fantastic…

Supporting our Families

Our Phoenix Park team have been busy today making up and delivering 30 food hampers…

Summer 1 Newsletter

Please click here to read the full newsletter.

NSPCC Guidance and Support

Please click on the link below for guidance and support from NSPCC for children, parents,…

Online Safety at Home

Thinkuknow is an education programme from NCA-CEOP, a UK organisation which protects children both online…


Please click on the link below to download our latest newsletter. Spring 2 Newsletter

Tips for Parents and Carers

Please click on the link below to see some useful tips and guidance for parents…

Message from Mark Wilson, CEO Wellspring Academy Trust

Dear Parent / Carer, Message from Mark Wilson, CEO Wellspring Academy Trust We are in…

COVID-19 Continuity Arrangements

Phoenix Park Academy and Sevenhills Academy are now closed in support of the national effort…

Advice on Coronavirus for Places of Education

Pancake Day!

This year’s Pancake Day was a huge success! Students followed instructions brilliantly and made some…

Spring Newsletter

Please click here to download our Spring newsletter

The Big Event

Street Cricket

“How will changing the size of a beaker affect the time it takes for the candle to go out?

KS3 students at Phoenix House took part in a Science investigation to find out about…

KS2 Visit to Littlecoates Primary Academy

KS2 enjoyed their afternoon visit Littlecoates Primary Academy to meet author Alec Williams and hear…

Christmas Newsletter

Click here to download our full newsletter!