Local Authority Information
North East Lincolnshire Council has a range of resources committed to helping safeguard children, adults, families and their communities.

Early Help and Team around the Family (TAF)
Integrated Front Door
Our Integrated Front door is available to assist all partners and public if they are worried or concerned regarding Children. We can provide advice and guidance and ensure appropriate action is taken where safeguarding needs are identified. Where completion of the early help assessment is appropriate, the TAF team are able to support with advice regarding the completion of this.
When a worry or concern about a child or family has been identified, we give information, advice and guidance to the public and professionals. Consideration to the threshold of need is given within all enquiries to ensure right outcomes.
If you are concerned that a child is being abused, or they may be at risk of harm, you should contact our Integrated Front Door Service (IFD) to make a referral:
Professionals can use the Early Help Assessment to request a service or single piece of intervention from the Locality Family Hubs in line with:
If you have concerns around a child or family, where you feel they need a Multi-Agency response and/or more that a single piece of intervention, you must complete: