
Phoenix Park Academy was inspected on the 12th & 13th September 2023. Ofsted inspectors shared our view that ‘This is a good school’.
Here are a selection of the key findings:
Pupils are offered a fresh start at this school. All have experienced previous difficulties in mainstream education. All have special educational needs and/or disabilities. Staff provide calm, dedicated help to pupils. They get to know pupils very well. There are warm, caring relationships. Pupils feel safe and respected as individuals.
The school provides carefully considered support and personalised education to meet pupils’ needs. This includes pupils who struggle to attend. Staff check often that support is appropriate and that pupils’ curriculum pathways are aspirational. There are high expectations for pupils’ learning and behaviour.
The curriculum is broad and ambitious. It is clearly sequenced. Staff match learning to what pupils know already and what they need to learn next in different subjects. Pupils learn in small groups. Classroom environments are calm places for them to learn in.
Reading is a high priority. Pupils read often. They enjoy reading a variety of texts using the school’s online reading tool. An appropriate phonics programme supports pupils in the early stages of learning to read.
The curriculum to support pupils’ wider development is at the heart of the school’s work. Pupils learn about a variety of relevant themes. These include diversity, safe use of social media, knife crime and fundamental British values. Pupils learn how to stay safe in their local community and learn about the importance of good mental health.
Most staff enjoy working at the school and with their colleagues. They value the training provided by the school and the trust. They feel that the school treats them fairly and with respect for their welfare and workload.