Permanently excluded students are offered Day 6 provision at Phoenix (KS2 &3), Park (KS4) or Sevenhills (KS3) academies. Other students are referred to us from their mainstream school via the Referral to Alternative Provision (RAP) process.
Where a RAP referral has been made a 16 week partnership placements are offered to enable support to be given to meet SEMH needs, support regulation of emotions and deliver key aspects of the core curriculum relevant to each key stage. During 16 week placements regular review meetings are held (These review meetings are held at 6, 12 and 16 week intervals) with parents and home schools to enable clear communication and effective transitions back into mainstream education where appropriate.
We also operate a 16 place specialist SEMH provision. Referrals for this are processed via the EHCP consultation process via the local authority.
Once a place has been agreed and offered an induction meeting will be arranged. In this meeting, you will meet a member of senior management and the Pastoral Welfare Leader to discuss your child’s needs and how we can work with you to ensure the best possible educational outcomes for them. You will be asked to fill in a small amount of paperwork; this includes:
- A Home/School contract; which sets out what support we will offer you, the behaviour we expect from your child, and how we can work together to ensure a successful 16 week placement at Sevenhills Academy/Phoenix Park Academy.
- A medical questionnaire; (see our section on medical matters).
- A letter outlining our Team Teach policy which you must sign.
- Where appropriate; Free School Meals are transferred from the mainstream setting and a copy of your National Insurance Number will be required to facilitate this.
We also request you give us emergency contact details for yourself and anyone else with Parental Responsibility for your child. Induction paperwork must be signed by an Adult with Parental responsibility and the student that has been accepted for Placement.
Students joining are requested to complete induction sessions prior to a start date being issued.
At Sevenhills Academy students will be invited on site to meet with the Care Team Members for two consecutive induction sessions 2pm – 3pm. Where the Induction session falls on a Friday the session time will be 1pm – 2pm. The Induction sessions are an invaluable part of the admission process and therefore there is a requirement for the student to engage in these sessions before the student can be added to the school roll
At Phoenix House the transition sessions consist of two afternoons 2:30pm to 3:30pm where students are met by the Care Team members and one morning 9am to 10 am in class before officially being added to Phoenix roll on the fourth day.
At Park House the transition sessions consist of two afternoons 2:30pm to 3:30pm where students are met by the Care Team members then students are added to Park roll on the third day.
After this a start date will be arranged along with dates for reviews to take place during the placement term.
School uniform is provided by the Academy; this consists of one Aquamarine polo shirt and a grey sweatshirt or cardigan, both with the Academy’s logo on. If required, additional uniform can be purchased via the school office.