Vision 2025

Safe – All young people and their families are educated on keeping safe and encouraged to lead healthy lifestyles and make positive life choices. Our comprehensive pastoral team communicate, share information and challenge multi agencies to ensure the best outcomes are achieved. Attendance is our obsession and we will not stop being creative and reinventing ways to achieve positive attendance until our attendance is consistently high and we are sharing our practices as case studies.


Curriculum – Our intent is to provide a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum that encourages creativity and vocational learning. Through tailored personalised learning plans individual needs are accommodated. All young people have the opportunity to learn about local, national and global issues. Skills and knowledge are developed to re-engage with education and to contribute positively to society. Enrichment activities are designed to broaden our students experiences and create lasting memories


Professional Development – We insist on a culture of support and challenge. We believe in a simple message of ‘improve not prove’. Our systems and assurance mechanisms reflect one of coaching, collaboration and sharing practice across our own sites, wider Trust community and more widely. We develop capacity and opportunities for progression and have devised a system of induction, coaching and CPD for staff at all levels within the organisation in collaboration with a National expert. Research is accessed, developed and used effectively with staff and Governors alike. 


Environment – Our students deserve the best environment and nothing less will do. The site infrastructure both internally and external will continue to be invested in to bring it to the 21st Century and beyond. A rolling programme of technological hardware upgrade will ensure all learners have access to and are taught effective skills in the use of IT. Great emphasis on our environmental impact and sustainability are key considerations. Using the UN sustainable development goals we are more energy efficient, make better use of renewable sources and encourage recycling and reusing. External grounds are improved aesthetically creating places of calmness, relaxation and fun to be enjoyed by all.


Community – Our schools make a positive contribution to each of their individual localities through supporting community projects and charitable activities. Our work is celebrated far and wide. Our sites are welcoming and encourage parents and students to access support around e-safety, healthy lifestyles, parenting, reading. We maintain positive relationships with our LA and local schools and post 16 providers and provide a high quality outreach and transition support service that helps reduce exclusions in NE Lincs. Schools work with Wellspring as an equal partner not a destination. We are the driving force behind local initiatives – Together for All and ASPIRE as we collectively strive for more inclusive practice. We have a strong desire to teach young people about the local community and its heritage and have created an aspirational charter of experiences for all students to engage with. Local context is fundamental to our ‘Elements’ curriculum and we offer sector leading careers advice information and guidance, including a bespoke work experience placement in KS4 to ensure our young people have the skills and attitudes to access local employment.